Market Report for 6-27-24 (Loyal)

After a trip to South Dakota the water in central WI doesn’t look so bad! Continued strong market on all classes of cattle. Top Holstein 3550, Wilson Brubacker, Stratford. Brown Swiss 2850 Gerald Vesbaugh, Viroqua. Shorthorn 2800 Jonathan Horst, Loyal. Jersey...

Market Report for Wednesday 6/26/24(Thorp)

Beef cross bull and heifer calves 800 to 900.Top 970.Holstein bull calves 510 to 600. Top620. Single birth heifer calves up to 460.                                                                Ram lambs 65lbs@1.70 cwt. Market cows mostly 1.14 to 1.37. Top 1.40...

Market Report for Monday 6-24-24 (Thorp)

Beef cross bull and hfr calves mostly 800 to 900.Top 920.Holstein bull calves mostly 470 to 580.Top of 595. Choice fed cattle. Crossbred 1.87 to 1.89.Holsteins 1.76 to 1.86. Market cows mostly 1.16 to 1.34. Top 1.37. Next Monday special fat cattle auction. Expecting...

Market Report for Thursday 6-20-24( Loyal)

What a tremendous offering of dairy cows on display today! 51 head dispersal from Tom Miller and family averaged 2809. Top seller 3600. Also 16 individual consigned cows from 2500 to 3250. All dairy cows averaged 2618. Holstein springing heifers 2200 to 2650. Open...