Beef cross bull and hfr calves mostly 680to 790.Top of 800. Holstein bull calves mostly 430 to 490.Top 510. Holstein hfr calves 350 to 430.

2 Holstein bulls 327 lbs @2.70 cwt .

Choice Holstein strs and hfrs 1.57 to head 1747@ 163.25.

Good butcher cows again 1.00 to 1.27. Did have more poor cows then we did in a while those sold mostly 60 to 99.

Expecting a very big run Thursday in Loyal with aAa mated dairy sale featuring 30 to 40 Hand picked cows ,2 complete herd dispersals ,approximately 40 breeding bulls ,plus many other consigned cows and hfrs .Already over 100 head in overnight.

We will be selling the semen and semen tank at 11.Bulls like Bolton,Advent,Linjet,Allen,Ivanhoe,etc.

Large selection of hay on hand which sells at 10:00.