Thank you to all who bought, sold, and trucked with us this week !!
Lighter test on the top end of dairy cows this today.Average to good cows sold 1500 to 2200. Top cows 2250 to 2700. Top 2950,2400 Marlin Weaver.2700 Marlin Horst,Curtiss. 2500 Jonas Borntrager.2450,2350,2250,2250,Kurtus Jorgenson, Waubay SD.2400Titus Martin , Colby.
Fancy Holstein Springing hfrs sold 2000 to 2575. 2 fancy Jersey springers 2000 & 2100.Open heifers mostly1.68 to 1.94 cwt
Feeder cattle sold steady overall with certain weight groups being well tested and higher on average. Single black steer 505 @ 3.20.Blk steer 540 @3.00.Pair blk strs 648@2.57. 2 Hol Strs 365@ 257.50.3 Hol strs 768 @ 2.21.3 Hol strs 783 @2.16. 3 Hol strs 655 @ 2.14. 4 Angus X strs 719 @ 2.24.
Choice hol strs & hfrs 1.63 to 1.6950.Beef cross 1.72 to 1.7650
Beef cross bull and hfr calves mostly 700 to 860 .Holstein bull calves mostly 430 to 525.Holstein hfr calves 375 to 450.
Market bulls 1.40 to 1.4250.
90% of market cows sold 1.00 to 1.29 with a top of 1.35 .Slow and low yielding cows sold 99 and down.
Another large hay sale today with prices reflected accordingly. Top quality 3×4 alfalfa 165 to 220.3×3 alfalfa 95 to 140. 2nd & 3rd crop grass large squares 75 to 110.Rounds grass 75 to 90.Dairy quality baleage 65 to 105.3×3 Canadian wheat and barley straw 55 to 65. Small squares grass and clover 3 to 5 per bale.
Thanks again and see you next week!!
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