We were reminded again today just how incredibly good our workforce is !!
650 head sold tonight in Thorp .
183 calves selling on a slightly softer market .Beef cross bull and hfr calves mostly 800-900 .Top of 920. Holstein bull calves 85 lbs and up mostly 500-620 .Several top calves 650-680 .
Had a nice run of feeders come in . 436 lb BWFBull At 3.00 .(4) blk strs 514 lb 2.80 .(7) blk strs 574@2.65 .(5) Hol strs 611 @ 1.87 .
Sold 300 fed cattle on the highest market we’ve seen yet .Non implanted beef strs and hfrs mostly 187-189 w/ a few singles @193 and 195 .conventional colored fed cattle 180-185 .14 blk strs 1574 @ 1.85 . Majority of Dairy cross strs sold 173-178 .One extreme good set of 9 hd 1459 @ 1.80 . Choice and prime Hol. strs 165-170.9 .9 Hol strs 1777 @ 172.50 for the top .
Market bulls sold sharply higher from 143-151.50 . Sold a red beef bull 2366 @ 1.43 .
Market cows steady to stronger .High majority of cows sold 1.05 – 1.24 .Sold a handful of cows 1.30-1.41 .
Butcher hogs 52-69 .Sows 65 -70 .
Thanks again for all your business !!
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