Well that was worth opening the doors. 109 consignors, 617 cattle cattle, 94 buyers. Thanks to everyone that participated! If you weren’t any of the above, I think you should be. Top dairy cows 2175, 2050 Hodgson Holsteins, Ridgeway WI. Sold a lot of cows from 1000- 1600 with a small percentage above that. Bred beef cows 900- 1300. Number one Holstein springing heifers 1150- 1500. Top 1600 Lois VonHaden, Tomah. Open Holstein heifers75- 95/lb. Single birth Holstein heifer calves 30- 60 / hd. Breeding bulls 700- 1375. Market bulls 70- 90NT. Choice and prime Holstein steers and heifers 98-105NT, beef to 112NT. Holstein feeder steers 91- 117. Beef feeders 120- 157.50. Holstein bull calves mostly 105-185. Beef cross bull and heifer calves 210- 305/head. Market cows lower. 35% sold 60-66, 35% sold 55-59.50. Thanks for doing business here and hope to see you again next week!!