Another nice size crowd and a fairly active market. Even with milk futures dropping quite a bit lately the overall attitude of the crowd, at least in our barn, seems fairly positive. Sold 160 cows today. Many good cows from $1,350 to $1,975. Extreme top was $2,800. Plain, small, and some late lactation cows $750 to $1,100.

We sold 94 heifers today. Open Holstein heifers mostly from $.62 to $.82/ lb. Average quality springing heifers $875 to $1,100. High quality Holstein springers out of herd dispersal $1,200 to $1,475. Choice Holstein steers $.86 to $.93. Extreme top $.9350. Holstein feeder steers $.70 to $.84. Holstein bull calves $25 to $85, crossbred calves up to $185 per head. Single birth Holstein heifer calves $30 to $80 per head. Cull cow market was steady. 53% of the cows sold from $.50 to $.6350. Extreme top $.70. Hay market was steady with last week. Top dairy hay up to $110 per bale. Round bales grass $30 to $60 per bale. Straw up to $65, corn stalks mostly $30- $47.50