So I went too the library and did some reading on white collar crime. Like every other subject out there, there are people that spend their life studying it, the crimes and the criminals behind them. One of these day I’ll give a report on the interesting things I’ve learned. It’s all about Quality. Quality cattle, Quality people, Quality service. Where would you buy better cows?! Top cows today $1,850 Aaron E. Miller-Cashton, $1,800 Consignment-Loyal, $1,775 David Bontreger-Granton, $1,750 Matthew Martin-Loyal, $1,725 Harlan Weaver-Colby, $1,600 Menno A. Stutzman-Granton, $1,550 Levi Hershberger- Loyal, $1,500 David Shetler- Westby, $1,500 Melvin Sauder- Colby. Cull cows mostly $33-50 with several to 57. Choice Holstein steers up to .89 colored fats to 1.09. Good Holstein bull calves $45 to$85 per head top $120, beef calves up to $300. Round bales grass hay $85 to $105, large squares up to $115 per bale. Yes, we want your business but as always even if you don’t do business here don’t hesitate to call with your marketing questions.